All you have do to understand the title is watch this, Mike Gravel's latest internet video hit:
Say what you want about Mike Gravel, and quite frankly I say he is a little crazy, but I must admit Gravel has a point in his message here.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
New Energy Legislation vs. Greed
The House of Representatives in Congress recently passed energy legislation that would provide for a 40% increase in fuel efficiency for new cars and light trucks by 2020 for a fleet wide average of 35 mpg. It will be up to the Senate now to reconcile any differences they may have before it can be sent to Mr. Bush for his signature.
It has been reported that Republican Rep. Joe Barton said that if the bill clears Congress, he would recommend that Bush veto it. Some Republicans have complained that the bill does not do enough to increase domestic production of oil. Can you imagine that? With $90 barrel oil, $3 gas, our import of oil up over 36% since the Arab embargo of 1975, and now we import over 60% of America consumption and some Republicans say that.
Their problem is they want more corporate welfare for big oil. There is enough reasons for big oil out there to increase production right now. Big oil is so connected with foreign producers, they invest money overseas that could be used in the United States. In a nut shell, it is called GREED. The United States is going through the most sustained period of price increases in oil and gas and all because of the war in Iraq and speculation. And who are the speculators and the ones who benefit from this speculation? Yea, you guessed right. And now they are working on the latest speculation----war in Iran.
The bottom line is that the oil and gas industry does not need any more corporate welfare deals to increase production or drill new wells when we are importing 60% of our needs. Greed runs in their blood.
big oil
House of Representatives
Joe Barton
Romney To Address Mormonism

My first thought when I heard this news is that this could be a mistake on the part of Romney. I'm not quite sure why Romney has decided that now, at the pinnacle of his strength, is the best time to give a speech. As the saying goes, why mess up a good thing? Romney is ahead in Iowa (discounting the latest poll that has Huckabee just a few points ahead and well within the margin of error), ahead in New Hampshire, and ahead in South Carolina. Indeed, a big reason for Romney's boom in South Carolina, that brought him from 4th place to 1st in about a month, is the fact that evangelical voters are finally warming up to him. So why go out and remind them of your Mormonism?
Frankly, I don't see what the big deal is with faith. We're not electing a leader of a church, we're electing the leader of America. But, unfortunately, a particular faith is something that is very important to many voters, especially in strong evangelical states in the South and Mid-West. So why, if he's doing so well, is Romney going to risk throwing his success away? As I said in the past, once Romney gets the nomination, he might need to make a speech, but right now, during the Republican nomination process, I'm not sure if its a good thing to remind the strong evangelical (bigot) voters of his faith, which many believe is a cult.
But, maybe I'm wrong. In fact, I hope I'm wrong. Not because I like Romney, but because I would like to see a stronger acceptance of all faiths. Too long have people been looked down upon just because they believe something different and that is something that should never happen in America.
Of course, there's also the possibility that, if presented well, this speech could be a real turning point in the Romney campaign. If delivered with emotion and pride, Americans will look at Romney in a different light. Currently regarded as a slick, stiff businessman, Romney now has the opportunity to open himself up to America. The only question is, will America open itself up back to Romney in response? For that, we'll just have to wait and see. I know that I will be watching intently Thursday night and I look forward to seeing how Romney is received. I just hope that Romney isn't elected because of his faith; there are many other issues for which he shouldn't be elected. His Mormonism isn't one of them.
2008 election
GOP candidates
John F. Kennedy
Mitt Romney
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