The reason is she supports America's President, Barack Obama. It was the democratic controlled congress in the early part of Obama's administration that passed the President's stimulus package to move the economy out of Cassidy's party'great recession. It was that same package that has given the country 55 straight months of positive job creation and has lowered the unemployment rate to 5.9%. The latest economic reports on the economy, job creation, lower unemployment and a increace in middle class income are all positive for the future.
It was Landrieu and her party's vote that created the Affordable Care Act and brought health insurance to 14 million people who were uninsured. That includes those insured under the medicaid part of the ACA. Those who have been insured in Louisiana under the ACA will experience a smaller increase in their premiums next year than the insurance companies offered in the past.
It has been President Obama who has kept America safe from terror attacks and who brought Bin Laden to justice. The President has also kept our men and women in uniform out of combat operations in Iraq despite the rhetoric from republicans John MCCain and Lindsey Graham who want to see American troops involved in combat operations again.
The President's policy on reducing the federal deficit is working and has reversed the massive deficit spending of the revious administration. Total federal spending has increased at its smallest rate since the Clinton administration. The Bush tax cuts that favored the wealthy have been scaled back and the economy and jobs continue to grow despite Cassidy and his prty's predictions it would be a job killer and increase unemployment. (They must have had the Bush administration on their mind.)
The President's party passed immigration reform in the U.S. Senate and a package to rebuild the nations infrastructure long ago that Cassidy and his party in the U.S. House has refused to take up and even debate the issue because they lack courage. Landrieu supports the President's position on equal pay for women and raising the minimum wage and improving the ACA if necessary. Cassidy opposes all of that. Landrieu has also sponsored and voted on the federal level legislation that benefited Louisiana over the course of her service in the U.S. Senate.
Landrieu supported America's President and votes for and supports his policies most of the time. Cassidy and his party vowed to obstruct America's President and voted with the majority of his party in the U.S. House 98% of the time. Mary's Louisiana support of the President's policies turned the country around for the betterment of the people. Cassidy's vow and obstruction vote take us back to 2008 and the policies that failed.
Senator Landrieu has had the courage to take a stand on the issues and spell out her position. Cassidy lacks the courage to take a stand on the issues and spell out his position. There is no courage involved in blaming others and voting to obstruct. In fact it does not even take brains to do that. Bill Cssidy, the doctor, has a fever. The correct prescription to treat his fever is to reelect Mary Landrieu.
Senator Landrieu stands with America's President when it comes to moving the country and its people forward. Cassidy stands with an ideology that is unAmerican in nature and the same failed policies of his own party the last time they ran the country. This writer will take Landrieu's 97% of the time vote with the President's policies over the 98% of the Cassidy vote in the republican controlled U.S. House to obstruct.
A vote for Mary Landrieu is a vote for America and its people to continue the advances made during the last five and half years.
This commentary written by John Lucia