Saturday, January 17, 2015

Another First For "PolitiDose"

The chairman of the Republican National Committee confirmed once again what "PolitiDose" has been saying for years that republicans have no accomplishments so they will personally attack any democrat to avoid talking about their own failures.  Now comes Reince Priebus, Chairman of the RNC who publically said the republicans will personally attack former President Clinton's personal life if Hillary runs for the democratic nomination in 2016.  Its the same old republican con game.

The republican party campaign of 2016 will use personal attacks against any democratic candidate but will be more hateful if Hillary runs because their party fear her the most as an opponent.  The republican's hateful attacks against President Obama is only a prelude to the 2016 campaign.  This wirter believes if Hillary runs she will be able to take care of herself.  Republicans are still burning that they could not defeat Bill Clinton and that he left office with an approval rating so much higher than any republican President.  They met the same fate against Barrack Obama.  They could not defeat him so they are still trying to destroy his time as President.

The Fox News Network and other conservative news outlets have already begun their attacks so the republican noise machine will stay noisy for the foreseeable future.  Its hell when you are a republican and conservative and feel you have to decieve your own supporters with such trash talk.   Is there any republican out there who feels he should just stand up and be an American and tell the right wingers in his party to go take a hike?  This writer is not holding his breath.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio