Friday, August 30, 2019

Congratulations To The Little League Baseball World Series Champions

What a delightful credit to Louisiana, the U.S. and the world for a class act of sportsmanship.  Thirteen young boys, their coaches, fans and their actions on and off the field of play demonstrated why "Baseball" is still the "National Pastime."  The East Bank team also represented America the Beautiful at a time of need and the inspiration to excel.

The little leaguers enjoyed the competition, had the look of confidence, were calm and smiled a lot.  Their performance was a bar to follow and to be looked up to by all little leaguers and all in the sports world.  The attitude of the team and the tournament itself united all who followed the games and made all the things that divide the country seem so self inflicted.

The coaches of all the teams deserve our respect.  They take time off and volunteer their services to teach these young boys about life, sports, how to get along and compete.  Their supervision and teaching at a time in the players young life is so valuable to their future.  And what we witnessed in the world series can touch the younger generation in other areas of life that will help mold the future leaders of America the Beautiful.

So to the East Bank Little League Baseball World Champions, thanks for the memories, what your play taught us and your contribution to the future of sports.  All of you are very deserving World Champions and you earned it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio