Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Democratic Administration Continues To Create Jobs With Good Numbers For December

The U.S. Labor Department announced that 292,000 jobs were created in December and the unemployment rate stayed at 5%.  It was the 70th straight month of positive job creation.  And the republican party in congress continues to play no role.  Instead, they voted to kill the ACA and defund Planned Parenthood.  It was the 62nd time the republican controlled House voted on the matter.  President Obama vetoed the legislation and the republicans do not have the votes to over ride.

More jobs have been created under President Obama in 7 years than were created by Bush 41 and Bush 43 in the 12 years they ran the country.  It is no surprise to this writer and who's commentary made note it would happen when Obama was first elected.  Democratic administrations have set a precedent when it comes to job creation.  Republican administrations don't even come close.  Over 13 million new jobs have been created on Obama's watch so far while less than 4 million were created on the watch of Bush 41 and Bush 43 in the 12 years they served.

Republicans talk a good game but Democrats deliver results.  And who are the republican party's Presidential candidates trying to identify with?  Well, Reagan and G.W. Bush.  They have no original thought on how to keep the economy running or on foreign policy.  President Obama has been successful despite the negative attacks and blame game played by the republicans and the conservative news media.

Hang in there Mr. President.  Only one more year to go.  Use it wisely and go out swinging.

Note:  See my previous commentary titled, Job Creation for Presidential Terms:  1929-2008, dated 11/5/2010

This commentary written by Joe Lorio