Friday, January 22, 2016

The Republican Switch Is On.

More and more reports have surfaced that the republican party is accepting the possibility of Donald Trump becoming the party's nominee for President and as such will not only support him but tone down their rhetoric against him as well.  The exception seems to be a few conservative journalists and radio and TV hosts.  The republican leaders in the U.S. Congress, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell who are drafting the republican platform for their convention said they would support Trump.

This confirms what "PolitiDose" has said from the very beginning, that Trump and the republican party are one and the same.  The only difference is Trump is using personal attacks against his republican opponents where by in the past republicans attacked only democrats.  Trump started it all by saying his republican opponents talk a good game but what have they accomplished.  Conservative journalist Michael Gerson in a Times Picayune article dated 1/20/16 said, Trump and Cruz must lose for the GOP to survive.  He then went on to describe what the party would look like if either Trump or Cruz would win.  But guess what?  The party itself actually fits the description he alluded too and has for many years.

The republican establishment will have to live with the Trump agenda even if he fails to win the party's nomination.  That is what the GOP will be left to survive on.  What the party really needs is a leader who will stand up and spell out how the party has been so wrong on the issues and that conservatism has not served the country or its people well even when so called conservative republicans held the Presidency.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio