Sunday, May 21, 2017

WVUE Fox News 8

The stations latest expose "Cracking the Code" concerning health care billing and cost is nothing new and the story will not change a thing.  A similar story on campaign contributions to Louisiana elected officials a year or so ago did not change a thing that people already knew.

As far as "Cracking the Code" and billing information and cost for health care that is being reported do not look for any change because the health care industry and the insurance industry are a monopoly.  And whether one wants to believe it or not the ACA was the first real step to bring some measure of control to the status quo.  That is one reason the republicans opposed it from day one.  They knew it would work and it has been working.  The republicans real aim is to return health care control back to the insurance companies.  That is why the republicans plan is nothing but a scheme and a scam.  More and more every day the country is starting to understand that when it comes to health care reform Hillary Clinton's had the best answer and plan.  Improve on the ACA by making it better and correct any deficiencies.

Campaign contributions to elected officials will continue to be a scab that covers special interest as long as the donors are given a free ride and only the politicians are blamed.  As this writer said many times over, those who dole out the money should be held accountable because with out their money there would be no special interest groups.  Those who dole out the money have a good laugh every time a politician is blamed because it leaves the money people out of the conversation.  The result is the money people do not feel guilty at all because the spot light is not on their corrupt business practice.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio