Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Affordable Care Act Continues To Work Even For Republican Governors

Republican governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania has accepted Medicaid Expansion covered by the ACA and has become the 28th state to do so.  Nine of those states have republican governors and reports indicate three more republican governors are leaning to do the same.  The Huffington Post reports Pennsylvania will cover 500,000 of its citizens under the expansion.

Under the ACA governors who accept the Medicaid expansion can come up with their own insurance plan to best serve their state and governor Corbett has done that.  Waivers are approved by the President as long as it meets the objectives of the ACA.  The democratic controlled congress that passed the ACA was wise to put that provision in concerning the Medicaid expansion.  It gives governors the flexability they think they need to deal with their states problems concerning the uninsured.  It also demonstrates how democrats write legislation based on sound principals and not ideology.  It also reflects the democratic partys willingness to work with governors regardless which political party they belong to.

This writer believes governor Corbett made the right decision for his state and that other governors will do the same little by little.  Governors always complain about the federal government telling them what to do and now they have an opportunity to help the uninsured in their state with their own designed health plan under the ACA.

PresidentTruman said he favored big plans because you can always ammend a big plan to fit changing situations.  President Obama and the democratic controlled congress did just that when they passed the ACA. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.