Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Unemployment Rate and Jobs Report for August 2020.

The U.S. Labor Department announced Friday that 1.4 million jobs returned to the work force in August, down from the 1.8 million jobs in July and the 4.8 million that returned in June.  The unemployment rate came in at 8.4%, down from the 10.2% in July.  But the Labor Department added a note that millions of the unemployed stopped looking for work because of the coronavirus and there fore not included in the unemployment number that the department uses because the department looks at them in a different light.

So as of August 31, only half of the 21.5 million jobs that were lost has returned to work.  And Trump and his party still has no stimulus relief plan to replace the one that expired July 31, over a month ago.  In fact, there is still no national plan to safely open the schools or make the work place more safely to speed up the economic recovery that is necessary to put the economy on a safe footing for growth.  The President's third fiscal year will end on September 30 and the financial numbers on the federal deficit  will be a disaster never before seen.

Every day, Trump's lack of an economic policy and his decision to ignore and then undermine the coronavirus pandemic response becomes glaring.  The economy, health problems and death rate would be less severe if America had a President who was capable of  governing.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio