Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Another Reason Why PolitiDose Commentary Continues To Be Valid Concerning The Abortion Issue.

Now comes republican conservative journalist Michael Gerson in commentary dated 9/20 in the New  Orleans Advocate titled, "Why a pro life voter should balk at thought of Trump's reelection."  In his commentary Gerson tells why he is voting for Joe Biden and the reasons why so called pro lifers should also do the same.  Gerson it should be noted is pro life but prior to Trump's election never said the things he said in the above commentary to this writers knowledge.

For instance, he noted that the number of abortions have gone down on the democratic watch as it has on the republican watch and that the assumption that abortion would increase on Biden's watch was found to be inadequate and the numbers prove it.  He also pointed out that the abortion rate fell each year of President Obama's two terms in office.  Gerson noted that the abortion rate today is lower than it was when Roe Vs. Wade was decided.

Gerson took the time to explain that abortion is only one issue in the campaign and that treating the election as a referendum on abortion is a way to live with Trump's moral ugliness.  Many of Gerson's comments mirror what this writer commented many times over in PolitiDose over a number of years.  Namely, that a real debate has never taken place concerning Roe vs. Wade and abortion and all the related factors.  And PolitiDose took the time to talk about those factors.

Gerson's commentary is appreciated by this writer even though through the years the republicans in congress, past republican Presidents and many republican conservative journalists used the abortion issue to divide the country and used it as the lone and most important issue during elections.  They also failed the test on abortion by pushing the absurd concept that if one is pro choice, they are also pro abortion.

The larger problem lies in the comments made by republicans and conservatives over the years concerning abortion and the fact that they try to make abortion a democratic issue and problem and never find the time to remind the people that Roe vs. Wade was decided by a republican conservative appointed Supreme Court and by their majority vote.  The vote was 7-2 and 5 of those votes were by Justices appointed by republican Presidents.

Perhaps Gerson's commentary will help people understand what is really at the heart of Presidential elections and how important are the many issues that face the country.  PolitiDose will continue to do its part to keep the people up to date with commentary that really matter and make a difference.

So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio