The Labor Department announced that the economy added 165,000 jobs in April, more than the pundits predicted and unemployment fell again to 7.5%, down from 7.6% the month before. The numbers show that the Obama administration's policies are working despite the do nothing Republicans in Congress and their unAmerican attitude toward the country and the people.
Republican administrations can not compete with Democratic administrations on the economy, job creation, balancing the federal budget or having reasonable increases in federal spending so they do not want to see Obama succeed. The U.S. House has been sitting on the President's job's bill for over a year with out any action. The U.S. Senate passed that bill and it is fully paid for. If the U.S. House would have passed that bill the nation would be at or near full employment by the end of the year. John Boehner and his republican ditto heads know that, so the bill has been ignored. They can not stand to see any Presidential success by a democratic administration.
The President needs to do what ever his Presidential powers allow him to do on his own and not yield one inch to the phony republicans. They do not represent the people or the mood of the country and are a pitiful bunch. Once again it is a democratic administration leading the nations economic recovery, and once again it was a republican administration under George W. Bush that left office and gave the country and its people the second great republican depression. Conservatives have no policies, they only have an ideology that is unAmerican and unworkable.
President Obama's policies are working, the economy and job creation are moving forward. The housing industry is busy and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are paying the U.S. Treasury back the money they were loaned and making a healthy profit. As this writer has pointed out in the past many times over, democratic administrations do out perform republican administrations for the benefit of the country and its people.
Yes, precedent does matter, that is why it is predictable.
Written by John Lucia