If the border really requires shutting down because illegal immigration is out of control, then it took place on Trump and the republican's watch. And during that time all the people were exposed too was the trumpet man's rhetoric. There has been no attempt by Trump or the GOP congress to introduce any immigration reform legislation since the President took office in 2017. The situation is a major failure to govern on an issue that Trump himself said was at the top of his priority agenda.
Trump's inaction has compounded the immigration issue and his divisive comments and actions of separating parents and children at the border has been a disaster for immigration reform. Trump's talk about shutting down the border exposed his lack of knowledge and judgement of the harm it would do to the U.S. economy as a few in his administration had the courage to point out. The President's reckless behavior caused former acting director of ICE to speak out and say, CLOSING THE BORDER WOULD DO NOTHING TO CURB THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE CROSSING THE BORDER.
Immigration is the issue Trump is trying to use while campaigning for reelection. It is his autocratic way of trying to divert the public's attention from his failure to govern and the problems that are still building up around him and his corrupt administration. If Trump and his party were serious about immigration they would take the immigration bill that the democratic controlled Senate passed in 2013,(that the republican controlled U.S. House allowed to die without even and hearing) adjust and make the necessary improvements and changes and work with the democratic party to come together on a good bill that is workable for the country.
President George W. Bush wanted immigration reform during his administration but his party would not have anything to do with it and as a result nothing was done. It is now time, really past time, for Trump and the GOP to stop playing games with immigration reform and do their jobs. They have had more than enough years to solve the problem. A continuation of lies will not get the job done.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Note: Before going to press with this commentary it was announced that Trump flipped flopped on shutting down the border and now says he will give Mexico one year to act before he shuts down the border. Immigration to Trump is like a pin ball that goes from one extreme to another.