Friday, February 7, 2020

Trump Is Acquitted, But Trump and The Republicans Traitorious Acts Will Live On

The verdict was expected because Moscow Mitch McConnell said he would not be impartial and he is the republican leader of the republican controlled Senate who were the jury in the impeachment trial.  He also planned every step of the way working with the impeached President to come up with the desired results.  Republican Mitt Romney was the only republican senator who voted guilty and gave his reasons why.  Romney stood tall with character and courage while his republicans conspired and promoted Trump's lies.

All democrats voted guilty and like the democratic controlled U.S. House took a stand for truth, their oath of office, the rule of law and the constitution.  Their character and courage out weighed the political moment.  The republicans turned their backs on everything the Presidency and America stands for.  Truth died that day in the Senate chamber because the republicans in congress preferred to win a political victory than serve their country honorably.  And like Trump, their stained legacy and traitorious acts will live on in American history.

The actions of the republican party justify what PolitiDose wrote long ago that Trump and the republican party are one and the same and that today's republican party, the party of Newt Gingrich, so called conservatives, are the un-American party and represent the extreme.  The stain of impeachment will forever define Trump's presidency and before he leaves office there will be more revelations that will define how the U.S. House carried out its responsibilities when they impeached the President.  And when it takes place, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio