Saturday, September 28, 2024

Evidence, Truth and Facts Bring Another Right Wing Media to Justice.

Newsmax media, the little brother of Fox News met the same fate this week when they agreed to settle the law suit filed against them by Smartmatic, a voting technology company.  The suit claimed that Newsmax defamed them by broadcasting false information their equipment helped steal the 2020 election from Donald Trump.  

The suit asked for a $400 million judgement against Newsmax which was scheduled to go to trial next week.  A settlement was reached and announced yesterday with the amount of damage agreed to being private and will not be made for public consumption.  Going to trial would have exposed Newsmax's false statements to the general public which would be something Newsmax would not want to do.  The settled amount will probably be leaked at some point in time and is surely to be in the millions of dollars.

The suit by Dominion against Fox News cost the media giant $787 million.  Fox settled just a week before going to court so both suits have a lot in common.  They also have a lot in common in broadcasting falsehoods.  They are both a right wing conservative media who supports Trump, the GOP CULT and have a hatred for democrats.  And like the GOP and Trump, are anti-everything.

Dominion and Smartmatic had the necessary resources to take on Fox News and Newsmax, and in this writer's opinion had the evidence, truths and the facts to prevail had a trial taken place.   Fox and Newsmax obviously knew that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio