Sunday, April 14, 2024

What Will The GOP Do If Trump Is Convicted In His Upcoming Criminal Trial?

 President Trump's upcoming trial this coming week in New York in the Stormy Daniels matter will end one indictment of the former President that could carry a severe judgement if found guilty.  And if that would take place, how would the GOP react?  We know that so far they have supported Trump's actions and even adopted his tactics of blaming others for the situation Trump is in.  The GOP has taken up the torch and even blame the courts, the DOJ and of course, the democrats.

But this trial will be before a jury of Trump's peers.  If the jury fines Trump guilty, will the GOP finally deal with the truth and nominate some one else as their Presidential nominee and finally divorce themselves from Trump?  The party and Trump are one and the same at the present time and a guilty verdict would give the party an excuse to act and do something positive for the country at a time of great peril which they allowed their party to dwell on.

The GOP actually has a legitimate excuse to nominate someone other than Trump at their convention regardless what takes place at Trump's trial but sold their soul long ago to corruption.  Can the party that backed Trump's lies with their own lies reverse course?  If one has character, courage and the desire to serve their country, the answer is yes.

With the Republican National Convention only a few months away, time is running out on the GOP's ability to change the dangerous path they have helped create.  Past leaders who had the courage and character to act for the good of the country have changed the direction of the country for the better.  Who with the GOP will be willing to take the first step, do so and move the country away from the most unfit Presidential nominee in the history of the United States.  The GOP has failed to understand they do not need Trump if they put the country and the people first.  That is the oath they swore to when they took office to begin with.  

President Truman said long ago:  A President needs political understanding to run government, but he may be elected without it.  That describes Trump's election in 2016 and now he is still a person without political understanding and the world now knows why.   

This commentary written by Joe Lorio