Trump has failed to lead by example on the issue of Mexico paying for his border wall. He has had 18 months to inform congress and the people how Mexico will pay for the wall and instead threatened to shut down the government if congress did not fund the wall. Ditto on the issue of repealing and replacing the ACA. Trump said he had a health care plan to do so and would introduce his plan then never did so. As a result he placed blame on the republican party and its leadership. And to top it off, the news media never asked Trump about his plan, especially the conservative news media.
Ditto on the issue of tax reform. When a President refuses to make his tax returns public like past Presidents, he has no credibility on tax reform because he has something to hide and shows no leadership by example. Ditto on the issue of immigration concerning DACA. He said he would end DACA and then passed it off to his Attorney General and now wants congress to deal with it in six months. But the fact is Trump and the republicans in congress have showed no example how they would do immigration reform and in fact are actually against it.
Ditto on the issue of Made in America and Buy American which Trump is saying is taking place now. But Trump and his family business still operate manufacturing plants in China, Mexico and other foreign countries and can not lead by example on the issue until he moves those factories to the U.S.
Ditto no the issue of Past Presidents separating themselves from their financial interest so there is no question of conflict of interest. Trump has failed to lead by example big time and actually makes a mockery of the issue along with his family. There are several suits pending against Trump on the matter.
These are not the only issues but the ones Trump has pushed since being elected. The TV star who tried to sell his leadership is a piece of fake news and fiction and just one other reason why he has few accomplishments and his latest job approval rating is at 34%. Yes, America has a President incapable of leading by example.
NOTE: Trump has been on the road this week touting tax reform, but the news media noted, the President gave no details of his plan to be consumed by the public. Again, Trump has failed to lead by example on an issue important to all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio