Barack Obama made the right choice. I know what I've said before about potential veeps for Obama, but Biden was the best choice out there. Biden brings experience, enthusiasm, and possibly most important of all, an absolutely captivating background story. Obama, in addition to needing someone to bring experience and blue collar workers to the Democratic ticket, needed someone to play the role of the "attack dog". We all know that the Republicans are going to go after Obama head on, holding nothing back. Biden is uniquely positioned to hit back on John McCain and to do it with a smile. I believe that I speak for millions of Americans when I say that I am truly looking forward to seeing Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House.
But now what for Obama? He's named his VP and the convention is coming up. But what else can he do to assure voters that he should be the next President of the United States? I have a suggestion. Barack Obama should come out and name who his Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, and Attorney General will be. Not only would it assure some uneasy voters if Obama makes the right picks, but it will also give Obama four more high profile surrogates and campaigners. Let's look at some suggestions for these four positions:
Secretary of State: If anyone but Biden was named VP, then Biden would have to be the frontrunner for this position. But since Biden was rightfully named the VP nominee, Bill Richardson has to now be the considered the leading candidate for Secretary of State. In addition to Richardson's experience in foreign affairs, Richardson, if named by Obama to be his Secretary of State should he win, would be able to almost certainly deliver New Mexico, and possibly Colorado, for the Democrats.
Secretary of Defense: This is yet another position where naming the right person could help Obama immeasurably. Who would I name? General Wesley Clark. Clark, despite the ridiculous attack on him by the media a few months ago, has earned the respect and trust of the American people. Wes Clark could be yet another surrogate to go talk to white voters uneasy about Obama in Appalachia.
Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General: I'm not sure who would be considered a frontrunner for these two positions. Surely John Edwards was a leading contender for Attorney General before his scandal. Now, however, I'm not sure. As far as the Treasury Secretary is concerned, someone like a Mike Bloomberg, who is well versed on economics, could bolster Obama's poll numbers on this election's number one issue.
Again, why stop at the Vice-President? Let's show the American voters true transparency by letting them vote not just on the President/VP, but the next administration as a whole. As I've said, if Obama makes the right choice for cabinet members, he can more easily win this election.