In an editorial of July 18 published in the New Orleans Advocate titled, "Roger Stone Pardon Is False Issue For Liberals", York the so called conservative and defender of the President tries to play down the President's action by comparing it to the actions of former President's during their term in office. York list of the past President's include George W. Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush and President Clinton who issued pardons or commutations and devoted most of his article to the Clinton administration and U.S. Senator Mitt Romney's remark that Trump's commutation of Roger Stone was "unprecedented, historic corruption."
Like Trump himself, York tries to justify Trump's actions with excuses but it won't wash because Roger Stone worked with Russia to try and find dirt on Trump's democratic opponent Hillary Clinton to help Trump win the 2016 election and destroy our democratic process. It was a traitorous act and Trump had knowledge of it and was willing for his campaign to participate. There were no pardons or commutations by President Bush 41, Bush 43 or Bill Clinton given to persons who worked with a foreign government to subvert America's democratic process.
And it was not only so called liberals(the word used in York's commentary) who spoke out in opposing Trump's actions. Many other republicans and people not in politics who spoke out also. Trump's actions follow the corrupt history of his short time in office and tell the real story of a mentally unfit President.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio