Thursday, February 13, 2025

The City of New Orleans and a Safe Super Bowl Week.

 On February 9, the City of New Orleans hosted its 11th Super Bowl and like the previous 10 Super Bowls, the event went off smoothly and safe.  To top it off, Super Bowl week was a success and safe also.  Law enforcement did what it does best and what it has been doing for decades for large scale events, keeping the City and its people safe.  The negative voices tried their best to make it impossible because they would rather be negative about the City instead of talking about all the positive things that takes place in the City.  

New Orleans is still the destination of business, conventions, tourists and other venues that take place safely and promote the City.  The City is still growing with new business, hotels and along with Baton Rouge leads the state in job creation almost every year.  The media pays more attention to the negative voices than they do to the positive developments that occur every day.  

New Orleans can continue to grow and stay safe by making it a priority on a regular long term basis.  It should be a every day endeavor, that is how good plans are carried out.  Negative talk and so called tough talk will not get the job done.  Commitment is what is needed to solve problems.  Osama Bin-Laden was not brought to justice by tough talk.  He was brought to justice by a President who made his capture a top priority and worked at it until it took place.

So now, Mardi Gras is in full swing.  Another major event with hundreds of thousands of people in the streets and on the move.  Law enforcement will have its hands full once again and the people can help by being vigilant in their surroundings and their movements.  It is a yearly challenge and should always be a top priority to prepare for.  

Law enforcement has proved it can do the job, the real part is to have a steady policy that gives enforcement what is needed to do the job and keep in mind it is priority number one to keep property and life safe.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio