The nation's unemployment continues to be a issue in this years election because of the republican Presidential candidates who want to see the President be a one termer just like the republicans in congres have pronounced. However, if a check is made concerning the historical record of unemployment one would have to agree President Obama is doing a very good job of handling the situation. And when given consideration to the massive economic failure and job losses he inherited, the President holds up better than some previous administrations on the subject matter.
The unemployment rate as published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor from January 1961 to January 2012 is used for the following calculations. This report by the Labor Deparment gives the unemployment breakdown monthly. In order to compare how President Obama measures up to previous administrations during this time period, the below reflect the unemployment rate for the month of January when the President took office to the month of January starting their fourth year in office. In other words their first three years in office.
Kennedy-Johnson Unemployment rate Jan. 1961 6.6% Jan. 1964 it was 5.6% down 1%.
Nixon Unemployment rate Jan. 1969 3.4% Jan. 1972 it was 5.8% an increase of 2.4%.
Carter Unemployment rate Jan 1977 7.5% Jan. 1980 it was 6.3% down 1.2%.
Reagan Unemployment rate Jan. 1981 7.5% Jan. 1984 it was 8.0% an increase of 1/2%.
Bush 41 Unemployment rate Jan. 1989 5.4% Jan. 1992 it was 7.3% an increase of 1.9%.
Clinton Unemployment rate Jan. 1993 7.3% Jan. 1996 it was 5.6% down 1.7%.
Bush 43 Unemployment rate Jan. 2001 4.2% Jan. 2004 it was 5.7% an increase of 1.5%
Obama Unemployment rate Jan. 2009 7.8% Jan. 2012 it was 8.3% an increase of 1/2%.
In the first three year period of those Presidents the unemployment under Obama increased 1/2%, a much smaller increase than under Nixon, Bush 41 and Bush 43 and the same as under Reagan. But in that same 3 year period under Reagan the unemployment rate stayed above 10% for 10 straight months from September 1982 to June 1983 and hit the highest level since 1944 at 10.8% in both Nov. and Dec. of 1982. The unemployment rate under Obama in that three year period hit 10% only once in October 2009 and was 10% for that one month only. The numbers indicate the Obama administration had a better hand on unemployment than all the above republican administrations even though those republican administrations did not face the severe economic conditions Obama inherited.
The unemployment numbers were down on every democratic administration shown above with the exception of Obama during that three year period. If all of the terms of all the above Presidents are looked at you will find that the unemployment rate never increased over what it was when the President took office and that President was Bill Clinton. For 96 straight months the unemployment rate never increased over the 7.3% that it was when he took office. What a accomplishment and the unemployment rate was under 4% for five months during his last year in office. No other President listed above can claim such success.
Democratic administrations have done a better job controlling unemployment just like they have the best record of balancing the federal budget, creating jobs, paying down debt, lowering the poverty rolls, creating a solid economy, lowering crime, increases in middle class wages and a host of other issues important to the country and its people.
Should it not be now clear why the republican presidential candidates, their party and the right wing news media only talk about dividing the country with wedge issues like religion, gay marriage, bashing women and trying to drive a wedge between the separation of church and state. It should be very clear that they have no record of accomplishments to run on or debate. That is the real story and all the facts prove it. What a shame.