Thursday, August 28, 2014

Why The United States Needs Serious Elected Officials.

Internationally, it is a dangerous world that the United States needs to operate in.  Domestically, we are divided on the most simple problems that we know can be solved by simple answers.  Passage of an increase in the minimum wage is a great example.  We know for a fact that raising the minimum wage in the past has never harmed the economy or has it been a job killer.  It has been a positive for both but still no movement on the subject matter 20 months after President Obama asked congress to act.

The United States is dealing with major and minor problems of a serious nature around the world, especially in the Middle East.  Those problems can only be addressed by "serious" elected officials who have a true understanding of the problems and the wisdom to make decisions that may not be popular.  We have too many elected officials whose only answer is confrontation and war.

Our country does not always see eye to eye with our allies and vise virsa.  Both have different ideas as to how mutual problems should be addressed.  Successful answers in the past may not solve present problems.  "Serious" people are needed to recognize that.

We have too many elected officials in Washington who are in politics only to change things because of their ideology and not to benefit the country or its people.  Understanding is lacking and misleading statements and falsehoods are deliberately passed on as facts.  They lack the "seriousness" that is needed to address the issues.

How the United States deals with the problems and issues at home and abroad are best dealth with by those officials who do not have an agenda, have a true understanding of the issues and who are "serious" and committed to solutions that truly answer the problem that is in the best interest of all.  "Serious" officials are also needed to recognize when it is in the best interest of the United States to keep out of harms way.

President Kennedy said our problems are man made and therefore can be solved by man.  He also said we all live on the same planet and breathe the same air and that we are all mortal.  Political leaders who are "serious" and have understanding can easily relate to those words of wisdom.

This commentary written by John Lucia