Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal said his party had to stop being "stupid" after President Obama won reelection over his party's candidate Mitt Romney. Jindal, his party, acted "stupid" during the 2012 campaign and continues to act "stupid" today and not follow their own advise.
Jindal showed how "stupid" he really is when he spoke before "The Conservative Political Action Conference" this week in Washington. Times Picayune staff writer Bruce Alpert in a column dated 3/7/14 carried his comments. The little boy governor went into a tirade against the President with personal attacks. That is Jindal's M.O. because like other politicians in the "stupid" party Jindal is incapable of telling the people what he stands for and what he has to offer. His personal attacks tell this writer he has no respect for his own party and the people at the conference. If he did he would have offered constructive comments concerning problems facing the country and its people.
Jindal also showed he had no courage recently when state governors met with the President at the White House and had a bipartsan discussion of national issues. Jindal criticized the President after the meeting was over outside the White House. He did not have the character to do his talking face to face with the President.
It is no accident that the country and its people do better under democratic administrations. And it is no accident that Louisiana and its people were better off during the democratic administration of Kathleen Blanco. Real leaders with a record of accomplishments do not feel they have to use personal attacks against their opponents. They have the confidence in their own leadership to stand up and be counted. A good example is New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu.
Governor Jindal has a lot to learn about common courtesy and after five years in office running the state he is still not a serious public servant. That really says it all.
This commentary written by John Lucia.