In an editorial that appeared in the Times Picayune of April 7, Thomas once again proved conservative ditto head ideology and the fact that they stand for nothing. His editorial about having the new health care legislation overturned on constitutional grounds and then asked, what then? He then answers his own question by saying opponents have to have a plan ready to take its place. The last paragraph of his editorial end in these words.
This is the republican challenge. If Obamacare is struck down, republicans should have a substitute proposal ready that embodies their principles, gets passed by a republican congress and signed by a republican President in 2013. In other words after a year of debate on health care, its passage and signed into law the republicans still don't have a plan they can present to the people. What Thomas last paragraph also says is he thinks a republican health care plan should be republican all the way. Thomas still thinks conservatives are the elite, above anyone else.
The sour grapes by conservative journalists and those inside and outside of congress who oppose health care see a President who delivered on a campaign promise, see a President whose economic policy is taking hold and sees an economy that is starting to create jobs, they are scared as hell. They dare not talk about the Bush administration because they have nothing positive to say about that administration. They will continue to oppose everything coming out of the Obama administration because they have no record of accomplishment themselves so its personal attacks against democrats.
The problem with the conservatives who lead the republican party today and those journalists like Cal Thomas, Bill O'Rielly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh is that they preach a conservative ideology that is unAmerican and out side the norm of civility. They prefer the method of personal attacks because they can not compete on the issues. They are a pathetic lot and what really bothers them is that most of the democrats they always attack wore the uniform of their country while they themselves stayed home.
The democrats is congress don't always think alike but they are not the phony party who sits across the aisle. Cal Thomas should have told his party to have a health care plan available when the debate started over a year ago instead of putting a plan together now. Its safe to say, once a phony, always a phony.