Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The New Orleans Saints: The Effects Of Bounty Gate Has Been Cumulative and May Even Be Irreversible

The Saints third straight loss Sunday at Houston against a team New Orleans sports writers described as a weak part of the schedule was a reminder just how far the Saint's football team has sank along with the coaching staff.  This is the fourth season since Payton sat out because of bounty gate and there has been no progress.

Everyone should remember what the players and coaches said:  We are professionals;  we know our job;  we know how to win;  all we have to do is do our job.  Yeah, right, it never happened and the coaches and players are still giving out the same excuses.  The bottom line is the players and coaches are not earning their big salaries.  And all are still in denial for the reasons why, bounty gate.  New Orleans sports writers never saw it coming because they are too busy writing about hype and cliches and refused to be objective in their reporting.

Saint management, the coaching staff and the players have had enough time to make the right adjustments since bounty gate but failed big time.  The outlandish salaries those people make for not producing and having a good product on the field is a disgrace to the game.  But hey, fans still flock to the games and coaches and players are still given idol status.  The game is larger than life and the dollar rules.

Payton and Loomis will move on to some other franchise and the process will repeat itself.  No one will remember bounty gate and its effects except the readers of "PolitiDose."   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio