Friday, May 12, 2017

President Trumps Firing Of FBI Director James Comey

It follows the script of former President Richard Nixon's actions when he fired the special prosecutor during the investigation of "Watergate" and then led to Nixon's resignation from office.  The leaders of the republican party in congress at the time told Nixon he would have to resign or face impeachment.  The President decided to resign and spare the people.  The republicans serving in congress at the time had character and courage to face down the President of the United States in order to support our institutions of government and confirm no one is above the law.

Now flash forward to 2017 when Trump fired FBI director Comey.  The republican leaders in congress supported his decision even though Trump used some nasty remarks about the man he fired.  Trump even suggested the Russian investigation by the FBI should be shut down.  It was obvious to this writer the firing took place to side track and break up the investigation.  Trumps first national security adviser Michael Flynn who he later fired was dealing with Russian foreign minister during the campaign and Trump knew it.  
The belated firing of Flynn came about 16 days after Trump knew he lied.  

An independent FBI has to complete its investigation of Trump's involvement with Russia and how deep the roots really are.  The President seems to be in a cover up mode and every day since the firing of Comey has said something to try and discredit him and the investigation.  The republicans in congress need to step up to the plate and find the character and courage to put the President on notice that he has to resign.  They also have to see to it that the investigations are complete, unimpeded and make sure their voices are heard loud and clear that no one is above the law.  Not even President Donald Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The City of New Orleans and Its Monuments

The City's decision to remove four Civil War era monuments from its present locations to a new unknown location has divided the people so it would seem from some news media reports.  This writer disagrees with that assessment and many of the comments made by both the news media and some of the people.

Comments that more notice should have been given to the public is silly.  The Mayor, City Council, the city' two newspaper, radio and television have been talking to the public about it for a very long time.  Any thing to do with the Civil War and or Confederacy, regardless of the subject matter will bring about different feelings from different people and different people that will never be reconciled.

Contrary to some people's suggestion that removing the monuments is trying to change the Civil War history is nonsense.  The history of the Civil War has already been recorded.  And the nasty things that were said about the monuments being removed at night with out notifying the public was off base.   The Mayor gave the reasons why.  It was to protect the contractor and the workers who received threats.  That was also reported by the news media.  It was not a secret.

The monument removal will not divide the city any more than usual.  Division is usually the result of a lack of information, understanding and a belief that the I in all of us is always right.  And there are always opinion writers in the news media and or talk shows that leave out facts in their opinions.  

Mayor Landrieu ran on the theme, ONE CITY, ONE VOICE, ONE FIGHT, ONE TEAM.  This writer believes the Mayor has been loyal to that theme.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

The U.S. Economy and Job Creation

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 211,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate came in at 4.4%.  It was the 79th straight month of positive job creation that started with the economic policies of former President Obama.  The Federal Reserve  reported that the economy continues on a steady pace.

President Trump has yet to introduce his jobs program of rebuilding and repair of the nations infrastructure even though he said it was a priority.  On the other hand, Clinton said if elected  it would be her first order of business.  The latest report on Trumps plan would be a $1 trillion project financed by private and government money.  The federal government would put up $200 billion and the private sector would be responsible for $800 billion.  In return the private sector (Corporate America) would receive tax breaks in return.

The democrats will introduce their own $1 trillion jobs plan to be paid for by the elimination of the special tax breaks given out to special interest.  The democratic plan would not increase the federal deficit.  The Trump plan would and also increase the national debt.  The private part of the funding would not be a sure thing and lacks a certain flow of capitol over this long process.  The state of Texas has already rejected private financing for their own states financing for their infrastructure.  Government financing has always worked best when the federal government was involved in past projects such as this.  It insures a continued funding which allows contractors the planning time needed and the knowledge that there will be work tomorrow for their operations and people.

The republicans in congress failed to move President Obama's plan early on in his administration even though the CBO indicated it would have created one million new jobs in the first year.  The republicans stood faithful to their pledge of doing nothing to help the President.  So now, congress is back to square one while the nations infrastructure continues to decay.  The legislation is important and the democrats are eager to see its passage so new jobs can be created to keep the economy growing and keep America working.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio