This writer on several occasions over a year ago pointed out that the real reason for the record deficit spending and debt created by Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 was to bankrupt the country so the government would have insufficient funds to support Social Security, Medicare and other needed programs that help the people and country. (See Note 1)
Now comes Paul Krugman, a journalist who is highly regarded in economic matters and writes for the New York Times reported on 2/24 in an editorial in the Times Picayune "that instead of trying to take on unpopular spending cuts the republicans instead went for popular tax cuts with the deliberate intention of worsening the governments fiscal position." In other words go the route of depriving the government of revenue and a sound economy, the government fiscal position will be harmed by deficit spending and debt.
Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 accomplished just that and now the country and its people are living in times of great distress. No one would be talking of deficit spending and debt today had it not been for those three Presidents and their ideology of trickle down economics they sold to America even though they knew what would happen. The Bush 43 Presidency was the nail in the coffin. Two unfunded wars and deficits and debt at levels never heard of before.
Those that are leading the republican party today have the same ideology. That is why they have nothing to offer but personal attacks. Paul Krugman's editorial should be read by everyone.
Note 1: U.S. Economy: Which Party Performs Best Part I dated 1/27/08
Republican Cycle of Record Federal Deficits and Debt dated 8/3/08