A triple history will play out before our very eyes at a time of great challenges. The Trump administration is coming to an end, a New Year is dawning and a new administration will begin to govern America. The challenge will be great, an economic recession, a virus pandemic, deficit spending once again out of control on the republican watch and the country's institutions under attack by a leaderless American President and his republican enablers who condone his traitorous acts.
What took place in the past four years, took place in every republican administration in the last 100 years, an economic recession. And it took place even though Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump cut taxes that favored corporate America and the wealthy during their time in office. For republican administrations, the future looks like their failed past. Trump learned nothing from the failures of the Bush administration and leaves President elect Joe Biden with an economic recession that began in February, millions of lost jobs, an economy in trouble and a virus pandemic out of control. Bush left the country in the same sad shape that the Obama administration inherited and had to deal with. (Except for a pandemic)
To add to the republican failures, no republican administration in the last 60 years left office with a lower deficit than when he took office and no republican administration has balanced the federal budget since 1960. Republican administrations hold the record of having the highest unemployment numbers in the past 60 years and contrary to their propaganda, republican administrations have the largest percentage increase in federal spending and the national debt.
But America can be confident that the future under the administration of President Joe Biden will be successful in restoring the nation's economic health, jobs, fiscal stability, moral values and leadership that embraces America's institutions, the rule of law and the constitution. And most of all, will be ACTIVE to bring the pandemic under control and administer the vaccine.
This writer is certain of that because of precedent of the past 80 years when democrats governed with success to reverse the failures inherited from previous republican administrations. The Roosevelt/Truman administration guided the U.S. out of the great republican depression of 1928-29 and WWII. The Kennedy/Johnson administration guided the U.S. out of the economic recession that took place on President Eisenhower's watch. The Carter administration that guided the U.S. out of the economic recession that took place under the Nixon/Ford administration. The Clinton administration that guided the U.S. out of the economic recession of the Bush 41 administration( remember it was the economy stupid) The Obama/Biden administration that guided the U.S. out of the great economic recession of 2008 under President George W. Bush. And now, the republican administration of Donald Trump leaves the Biden administration with the same kinds of economic problems, debt and a virus pandemic that is out of control.
Republican administrations have a consistent record of failure because they are married to a doctrine of ideology which disregards facts. Therefore the problems of an issue are never addressed. The democratic party governs by and with plans and policy that address the issues involved and therefore results are obtained. Its no coincidence that every republican administration in the last 100 years has presided over an economic recession that began on their watch.
And so my fellow Americans, on January 20 democratic President Joe Biden will inherit another great failure from another republican administration, this time from Donald Trump. Biden's task will not be easy by any measure because of the severity of problems waiting. It will take time and at times seem slow, but the President will have plans and policy to deal with the issues at hand. The democratic party understands that if we do not understand the failures of the past, it will result in a future that will be like the failed past.
This writer has no doubt that the democratic administration of President Biden with his plans and policy will reverse the failed past of the last four years and once again put America and its people on a path to restore our country and its citizens quest for a better life. And when it takes place you will have read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.
And once again, what the Sumerians knew 5 thousand years ago will be alive and will play out another time in our history. UNDERSTANDING THE FAILED PAST IS STILL THE KEY TO A BETTER FUTURE to the people on earth.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio