Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Democratic Party, The Mature Party Will Take Control of The U.S. House of Representatives on January 3.

Change is a part of every day life and the new year 2019 will bring change to congress as the Democratic Party takes control of the U.S. House on January 3.  And one is safe to say changes will take place because the "mature party" will govern that body of congress.  The issues will no longer be ignored or kicked down the road and the buck stops at Nancy Pelosi's desk if she is elected the "speaker of the U.S. House.

The democratic party has a record of facing the issues, debating and proposing solutions and they will face the issues republicans only talk about but never act on.  Since the economy always does better on the democratic watch that is one subject they will push along with reducing deficit spending.  The party will also hold the President responsible for his autocratic rule.

The republican controlled Senate can block any legislation passed by the U.S. House if they want to because they have the votes and the people will have an opportunity to see in due time if the republican party learned anything.  It is a known fact the republican party could care less about people and the issues that affect the country.  That is one reason for their poor showing in the November 6 elections.

On the other hand, the democratic controlled house will give the republican party a real offer to advance those important issues the GOP and Trump failed to address the past two years.  It would be a time where both parties could let the country know the issues are more important than the politics and that America's two party system is able to govern once again.  Both parties could also claim it happened on their watch.

This writer is not dreaming and is well aware of the republicans extreme ideology, obstructive attitude but the status quo has to change.  It does not appear that in the near future both houses of congress can be controlled by one party with enough votes to assure total control of the issues.  That means for the fore-seeable future a divided congress that can not govern.  That has gone on too long already and has to change.

The ball is now in congress and the President's court to see that 2019 began the needed change.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio