Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Republican Party: Leaderless, Sad, Unable To Function and It Was All Predictable.

The republican party, Donald Trump, conservatism and the conservative news media, including journalists are so screwed up and at each others throat, what is taking place today was predictable.  The party and Trump are fighting each other.  The conservative news media and journalists openly express their displeasure with the republican party's lack of accomplishments after years of telling America how republicans were better at governing than democrats.  They disagree with Trump but still support him.

Trump exploited his own party's weakness in the republican debates and his party fell like a ton of bricks and Trumps opponents were reduced to rubble.  But all 17 candidates signed a pledge to support the nominee no matter what.  Taking the pledge was a ignorant thing to do and the trap was set.  All lost credibility especially Trump and now less than a month to the election and Trump and the party say they will go their own way.

Conservative journalists have now turned on the republic party big time, but are still clinging to Trump.  The problem stems from the fact that they are all one and the same.  Their self proclaimed elitist has been exposed by their own doing and lack of accomplishments.  They have lost the family values issue because it was a fairy tale to begin with just like their claim to have a workable plan to replace the ACA.  The republicans in congress will end this year with the least amount of working days and accomplishments.  That is a sad story for a party who told the America people they would accomplish much after taking control of both houses of congress almost two years ago.

The republican part is dying a slow death of their own making and creating problems in our political system that is unnecessary simply because their leaders lack the character and courage to stand up and change their negative ways.  The best way for the voters to try and change that is to elect a democratic controlled congress and a democrat President.  The republicans will never change on their own and there is a strong possibility that this election year will break up the party as we know it.

The past seven years and nine months under the administration of President Obama has demonstrated that the democrats are still the grown ups in Washington to take care of the people's business and continue to move the country forward.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio