Friday, December 9, 2016

Will The Future Under A Trump Administration Be Like The Failed Past Of Previous Republican Administrations?

The answer is unknown at this time but will start to unfold when Trump takes office next month.  In the mean time there is precedent that would indicate the answer will be "yes."  George W. Bush became President, inherited a great economy with record job creation, full employment, balanced budgets with surpluses, a safe America and so much more and left office 8 years later with the country in a great recession, debt, two wars, one which was unnecessary and built on a lie and lost wages for the average worker.

Enter President Obama when Bush left office and like the Clinton administration brought the economy back, jobs back, lowered the unemployment, reduced the deficit, kept America safe at home and abroad and the average workers wages are on the rise.  Next month Trump will receive the benefit of a country on the move and in good shape economically and financially, contrary to what he has been preaching.  Bush could not duplicate the success of the Clinton administration or come even close.  Clinton reversed the 12 years of Reagan-Bush 41 whose administrations under performed Clinton's 8 years in office.  Those 12 years of Reagan-Bush 41 put the country on the course of record deficit spending and debt.

So now it will fall to Trump and in this writers judgement things do not look as bright.  The President-elect is still the same as Trump the Presidential candidate who lies on a daily basis on a wide range of issues.  The latest being the number of jobs Carrier will keep in Indiana.  Trump's tweets continue to be childish and his behavior is unbecoming a President-elect.

Many of Trump's appointees are anti regulatory, anti labor, anti environment, oppose the minimum wage and are out of touch with American values.  Some also seem happy to spread Trump's lies.  Trump intends to run the country like he runs his business, with corrupt behavior.  Trump has also failed to show he will put the country and its peoples business first before his own business interest.

The truth of the future will be told, but what is unfolding now represents an attack on the Presidency itself and that should be a wake up call for America.  President Obama has kept American great in his time in office.  Trump has only talked about it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio