Monday, April 6, 2015

President Obama Has Been Consistent In Dealing With The Republicans In Congress

The republican controlled House and Senate passed approval of the XL Pipeline over a month ago which the President said he would veto and he kept his word and did so.  Mitch McConnel, senate majority leader said the senate would vote to overide the President's veto the following week (that was three weeks ago) and as of this date the senate has yet to vote to overide.

Early this month the President blocked a resolution passed by both houses of congress to overturn new union friendly federal regulations issued by the President's administration.  The republicans knew the President's position but still voted for the resolution.  Both issues continue the republican party's attemp to satisy their business base and are hardly related to the more pressing issues facing the country and its people.

When coupled with their record and rhetoric concerning the Iran negotiations it is evident six plus years into the Obama administration the republicans still lack any sense of commitment to support the President's position on anything.  The President has used his veto authority infrequently since he was elecgted but he has used it wisely and has always let the republicans know on what issues he would do so.

The President was elected twice by the people in the United States of America and won both times by not only the electoral vote but also the popular vote.  Members of congress represent only a state and districts within that state and their votes are not on a national scale.  The republicans have a history of wanting to run the country nationally even when they lose elections.  They need to grow up, serve the country and support the duly elected President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio