Saturday, September 8, 2018

Now Comes Bob Woodward's New Book On Donald Trump

The book is no bombshell like one TV caption reported to those who followed the 2016 campaign, the debate's and the first 19 months of Trump's time in office.  The book simply quotes what every one really knew.  The people who work for Trump have been his enablers since day one and are now willing to say in private what they are unwilling to say in public.

Trump's enablers are still at his side and defending him when they should have resigned long ago rather than work for a traitor.  Some that Woodward quoted in his book have already denied their quoted comments.  And of course, Trump's tweets. as usual, are still in denial and still bashing the Attorney General over Mueller's investigation.

The book actually confirms what Hillary Clinton said long ago and in the debates with Trump and why he should never have been elected President.  The unjust attacks on Clinton by the Trump camp, the republican party and Russia's Facebook and Twitter propaganda took its toll on Clinton's campaign and the country has been dealing with one Trump scandal after another with Trump and his administration and Mueller's investigation of Trump.

Trump's every day lies is confirmed in the book but everyone already knew that, even Trump's supporters.  Carl Bernstein, a journalist reporting on CNN said it best when he said the Trump issue is worse than Watergate and he explained why.  Bernstein is a respected journalist in every respect of the word.  He also believes that congress should hold hearings to determine if Trump is fit to be President of the United States.  Bernstein's comments have been ongoing and long before Woodward's book.  In fact his analysis of what has been taking place in the Trump White House is more informative than Woodward's book.

The book will put more pressure on Trump because it adds to the record that Trump should be impeached.  But the evidence was there long ago for all to see who were willing to believe in our democratic process and reject division, personal attacks and autocratic rule.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio