Saturday, December 2, 2017

Another Trump Appointee Pleads Guilty In The Russian Investigation.

Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's national security adviser during the 2016 campaign  and who was later appointed as Trump's National Security Adviser when Trump took office pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI concerning his previous statements to the FBI in relation to his contacts with Russia.  This is the fourth person convicted by the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Mueller of people who worked for and with the Trump campaign.

According to Flynn's statement filed with the court he indeed met with Russian officials and discussed the sanctions placed on Russia by President Obama because of their involvement in the 2016 Presidential election and also discussed having Russia vote against a U.N. resolution condemning Israel or postpone it until Trump took office.  He lied about both originally.  His statement to the court also said a high level official in Trump's transition team asked him to make the contact with Russia and other foreign officials.  All was covered in a Huffington Post story dated December 1.

There appears to be no doubt that Trump's campaign colluded with Russia and tried to undermine President Obama's orders while he was still President.  That is the act of a traitor and this writer believes a rational person would conclude that Trump, who was President elect at the time knew of and approved those contacts by Flynn.  It fits in with Trumps asking FBI director James Comey to drop his investigation of Flynn and the most recent disclosure that Trump asked the republican controlled Senate Investigation Committee to end its hearings into the  Russian collusion matter.

When will the next guilty plea or indictments come down from Mueller's investigation?  Time will tell and probably will be soon.  When it does, it just might be the one that points the finger at Trump clearly.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio