Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to block a proposal by democrats that would end the tax breaks(corporate welfare) for the five largest Oil Companies. The vote was 51-47 with four democrats voting with the republicans to block. If the walls in the board rooms of the oil industry could talk, the conversation would go something like this.
Well guys we did it again. Our campaign contributions to those spineless members of congress who voted for us continue to work. We did it again and we did not even have to lift a finger. They are our spokesmen for blaming Obama for the BP moratorum and the fact that we lied about our ability to plug a blow out timely and remove the spilled oil from the waters of the Gulf before it reached shore. Then after the blow out we announced the industry would have a system ready and available to deal with a similar situation in 18 months they were quiet as a mouse. They could have raked us over the coals for lying all those years but they looked the other way.
Our lackeys in congress are also covering our butts on the record sustained increase in the price of a barrel of oil and gasoline that began with the Bush 43 administration when the energy industry met with VP Chaney and our decisions were and still remain secret from the people. They even have the stupid voters convinced that it is Obama's policies that are the cause of the increase in prices.
Boy, the money we spread around to those spineless senators make us look good. They lead the charge for us and blame everyone else. The voters are lost and we can continue to have our lackeys do our bidding and keep the clueless voters in the dark. It does not get any better than this. How sweet it is.