Sunday, October 16, 2016

The $10 Billion Man With As Many Excuses For Placing Blame

Donald Trump told the American people he was worth $10 billion but unfortunately he also has as many excuses for blaming every one for his negative life style and what appears to be his declining Presidential campaign.  For a business man to unravel as Trump is doing of his own free will confirms he is not fit to be President.

Trump says every thing is rigged against him, the republican primaries, the debates, the general election, the women who have come out and accused him of sexual assault, the news media who has a running love affair with Trump, the republicans in congress, the microphone that was rigged during the first Presidential debate and the list goes on and on.  And now the latest blame is Bill Clinton , a man that is not even on the ballot.

In the mean time Hillary Clinton is still the steady voice for the country and offers no complaints even though Trump keeps up a steady stream of ugly personal attacks.  And the American people can look for even more of the blame game from Trump until election day and also the personal attacks.  The word "deplorable" really does describe the Donald.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio