Thursday, February 8, 2018

It Was PolitiDose Who First Reported Trump's Traitorous Acts

Over a year and a half ago, PolitiDose in a commentary dated 7/31/16 titled, "A Traitor Among Us:  Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Russia" laid out the reasons why Donald Trump the republican Presidential candidate at the time was a traitor.  There were other commentary later concerning the subject matter and now after over a year in office, President Trump is still a traitor.  Websters New World Dictionary in this writers possession describes traitor as follows:  One who betrays; to hand over, betray;  a person who betrays his country, cause, friends, etc.

That is what candidate Trump and President Trump has done over and over again with not only lies but actions.  And his greatest betrayal of the country and it people now going on with his rhetoric to destroy the intelligence community the FBI and the special prosecutor in order to undermine a legal investigation of his own actions.  He has fired one FBI director because he would not drop his investigation of Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn who has already pleaded guilty under the investigation.

The traitorous acts of this President continue almost on a daily basis and hit another new low after his State of the Union Address when he accused democrats of treason because they did not applaud his speech.  He betrayed congress because of his selfish desire for self adulation.  Trump's betrayal of all the positive things President Obama accomplished for the country and its people are staggering, that includes the Iran Nuclear agreement and Trump's rhetoric of Putin being a better leader than President Obama.

The traitorous acts of Trump will become worse as the special council begins his final push to bring the investigation to a conclusion.  It will be much worse than Watergate because the traitor in  the White House respects no one and especially lacks respect for American democracy, values and the basic rule of law.  The first clue to Trump's betrayal was his refusal to make public what every Presidential candidate has done, release his tax returns, a very simple matter, but Trump knew doing so would expose his lies of betrayal.

The era of President Donald Trump will come to an end and one can only hope and have faith that the voting public will realize that the future politics of the country should never again be like the present one.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio