In two recent editorials published in the Times Picayune dated 12/22 and 12/29 titled, "Republicans paved the way for Trump" and "Trumps absurdisms camouflage GOP extremism, Krugman points out what "PolitiDose" has been saying about Trump since he announced he was entering the republican Presidential race, that is the republican party created Trump and is responsible for the atmosphere Trump works in.
Krugman also points out how those republican candidates who are proposing tax cuts for the wealthy as George W.Bush did would be out of favor (because its harder than ever to claim tax cuts are the key to prosperity.) because they failed the economy, job creation, balancing the federal budget and etc. Ditto those same republican candidates would pursue the Bush foreign policy in the middle east. That also has been covered in "PolitiDose" many times over. Krugman also pointed out there are no moderates in the republican primary.
Paul Krugman is no pundit who goes with the republican talking points like so many journalists do. He and E.J. Dionne are two of the best informed writers concerning political facts, truths and substance. "PolitiDose" has been right there with them and on many occasions was the first to report the real story to its readers. Stay tuned, there will be more republican extremism coming out of the republican candidates as the campaign moves closer to the primaries.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio