Credit to Taylor Marsh for the photo; It speaks for itself.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Republican Administrations = Fiscal Disasters
The economic numbers for the first quarter are in, and they are not good. And even worse, it comes at a time when the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, says that he does not rule out a recession. Let's take a look at what is behind all of this:
The economy lost 80,000 jobs in March; 76,000 jobs in February, and 76,000 jobs in January for a total of 232,000 jobs lost in the first quarter of 2008. The government reported that the March job loss was worse because the actual number of jobs lost in the private sector was 98,000 and only hiring by the government brought the job loss to 80,000. The unemployment rate increased from 4.8% to 5.1%, the highest in two and half years---at the end of March there were 7.8 million people unemployed. The Federal Reserve also reported first quarter GDP will more than likely show none or very little growth.
It was reported in my three part series, "The Economy: Which Party Performs The Best", that the problem with Republican administrations and the economy is twofold. They have a tax cutting plan ,called trickle down economics, but no real, broad based economic policy. They have a reckless fiscal policy of deficit spending and debt creation, rather than what this country needs for a stable economy--- a sound fiscal policy, based on balancing the federal budget.
The economy lost jobs in the first term of George W. Bush because a lack of a economic and fiscal policy. Job creation under his administration, when it comes to an end, will be one of the weakest since Hoover. One recession has already taken place on his watch and another one is brewing. Yet with all the bad news, the President does nothing.
It should be noted the unemployment rate on Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43's watch never went down at a steady pace. On each of their watches it increased over what it was when they took office before it came back down: Reagan from 7.5% to 10.8% before it started to come down; Bush 41 from 5.4% to 7.8% before it started to come down.
When President Clinton took office unemployment was 7.3% and it never went over that. In fact, the unemployment rate went down on a steady basis every year that he was in office and was at 4.2% when he left. The Clinton administration was also steady in creating jobs upward and in record numbers while Reagan, Bush 41, and now Bush 43 were/are inconsistent. That was also covered in my three part series mentioned above. Those three neocon presidents did not even come close in creating a sound economic and fiscal policy. Clinton had a real economic and fiscal policy that produced the greatest economy, created jobs, low unemployment, advancement for the poor, middle class and all through the economic ladder and real increase in wages. Not to mention, he also produced a balance budget that returned surpluses, paid down debt, and left Bush a $5.6 trillion surplus, which he of course blew. By the way, crime and unemployment hit its lowest level in 40 years on Clinton's watch. Yea, you read right, it happened on a Democrat's watch.
The Clinton haters are out now in full mode, especially journalists who are infatuated with Obama, since his wife is seeking the Democratic nomination. They are still reporting opinions and false hoods as fact, just as they did during the impeachment of the President by the Republican Congress. The voting public would also do well to remember that the U.S. Senate found Clinton not guilty of the impeachment charges, and a five year investigation by the government concerning Whitewater found nothing. The only thing the President was guilty of was lying to the public about an affair. The same Clinton haters are trying to do the same thing to Senator Clinton---they just can't stand the fact the country and its people did so well on President Clinton's watch and they don't want to see Sen. Clinton have that same success.
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
fiscal responsibility
George Bush
Hillary Clinton
Ronald Reagan
He's Gone!!!
Mark Penn is gone. Thank god. I am unwavering in my support for Sen. Clinton, but Mark Penn was the single biggest idiot on that campaign. In fact, I could have run that campaign better then Penn. Not much more to say than that, but thank god.
Hopefully now someone with actual knowledge can take control. Carville anybody? Begalla? Hell, I'd take anyone at this moment over Penn. Hillary's chance's although still slim, just went up with Penn not there to screw every thing up. Hillary can finally now be...Hillary.
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