The very first Civilization on earth, that began almost 6000 years ago by the Sumerians contained every aspect of civilization that we have today and more. Women played a major role in Sumerian life, in commerce, in the arts, they were managers of business and etc. Science and teaching also played a major role in the development of their civilization and every day life. History and written records that have been discovered confirm how advanced they were.
The Sumerians had a code of conduct for all aspects of life. A laborer should be paid a just wage, wages should not be with held from workers, teachers were held in high esteem, science was knowledge and the list goes on and on.
Now flash forward to the year 2013. We have a war against women who still can not obtain equal pay in the work place and are still considered unequal by many in congress and business. The working middle class has fallen behind the elite big time in wages, pensions are reduced, health care is reduced or eliminated while their CEO's are awarded millions in bonuses and other goodies. Business is given special tax breaks at the expense of the middle class.
Science and the benefits that flow from it are being challenged and in many cases denied. Of course we know science and the teaching their of is the life line to learning and progress. Every nation that has suppressed science and their teachings has experienced a dark period of time.
Our present civilization in the United States has regressed on the most improtant issues. All one has to do is look at the dismal record of congress, especially the republican ideology that drives their unAmerican behavior. Republican ideology has been substituted for science and its teaching. Raising the minimum wage for the average worker is not necessary and the beat goes on.
Our civilization is now going thru the Sequester notion because of ideology. If it takes place it will be a farther set back for civility and what we humans stand for and how we treat others, especially the average American. The Sumerian code of conduct for government, trade, commerce, science and life in general was superior than it is today in America because ideology pushes aside facts.
Will America's failure to learn from and understand the past doom our future. Is that outcome being played out before our very eyes and does it really have to come to that. The Sumerians believed man's fate was alterable and could be changed by man for the better or for the worse. Do our leaders today have the wisdom, courage and leadership to learn from the past and do what is required for civilization's future? Time will tell.
This commentary written by John Lucia
Special Note: Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicle Book, "When Time Began" spells out just how advanced the Sumerian Civilization Was.