Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Wisdom Of Hillary Clinton

The former first lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State displayed her wisdom and knowledge as a Presidential candidate and during the campaign tried to warn America what would happen in a Trump administration if elected.  Four issues that she warned about are playing out at the present time and all four issues are regressive and a backward step for the country and its people.

First, Trump's attempt to repeal and replace the ACA because of ideology was defeated.  Clinton warned about that foolish idea early on and had a plan to not only improve on the ACA but make it better.  She articulated just what Trump and republicans would do to cripple health care if they had their way.  The Congressional Budget Office report confirmed just what Clinton knew would happen.

Second, Clinton in a campaign speech before the election warned about Trump and his campaign ties to Russia and Putin and said that Trump should release his tax returns and disclose his relationship with Russia.  She also said the people of America have a right to know the extent of those contacts and how that relates to what Russia is doing.  Clinton also touched on the issue during the debates.  And as of this writing the Trump - Russia affair is under investigation by the FBI and the intelligence community and every day some thing new is revealed.  It is a very serious matter and Hillary Clinton understood how a possible collusion could undermine American policy.  The news media was too busy at the time to explore Clinton's comments because their air time was devoted to Trump.

Third, Trump's reversing of President Obama's policies on protecting the environment was another subject of Clinton's campaign and exposed just what Trump and his party would do to roll back the gains that were made in bringing environmental matters into the equation for progress.  The same thing goes for business rules and regulations that are being rolled back for no good reason other than ideology.

Fourth, Trump's tax reform that he is now pushing with massive tax cuts to business and the wealthy that Clinton warned about that would explode the federal deficit and in all probability bring on another republican recession.  Clinton's tax plan was favored over Trumps by a wide margin and would be better for the economy, job creation, balancing the budget and etc and was favored by most tax experts concerning economic matters.  Clinton warned about falling for trickle down economics for the third time.

When one thinks about Clinton and her campaign pronouncements, her wisdom and knowledge are unfolding before America's eyes as Trump and his administration continue to reverse the good plans and policies that make America great.  Clinton's warnings are now beginning to be understood.  The 48% who voted for her did understand.  Trump has been in office over two months now and Clinton is still a better woman than Trump is a man. And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio