-On healthcare:
"When it comes to health care, one of my opponents believes it’s acceptable to leave out 15 million Americans. That would be 100,000 in Iowa. Leave them out from his health care plan because universal coverage might be too hard to achieve. I disagree. I don’t think we should start by giving up on 15 million Americans. That’s why my health care plan covers everyone."
-On Social Security:
"When it comes to Social Security, one of my opponents uses the Republican talking points and has been open to raising the retirement age and cutting benefits. Now he says he is for lifting the payroll tax, which would be a trillion dollar tax increase. Again, I disagree. I don’t think we should fix Social Security on the backs of our seniors and the middle class. I have always fought for Social Security, I have always stood up against privatization, and as President, I will restore fiscal responsibility so we can keep Social Security as a sacred promise to our seniors."
-On Iran resolution:
"When it comes to Iran, I took a stand for aggressive diplomacy. One of my opponents made a different choice: He didn’t show up for the vote. He didn’t speak out during a presidential debate that night. And finally, he decided to play politics and claim that the vote he missed - a vote for diplomacy - was really a vote for war. Well if he really thought it was a rush to war, why did he rush to campaign and miss the vote?"
-On Obama's Legislative record:
"In the Illinois State Senate, on issue after issue, my opponent voted “present,” instead of yes or no. Seven of those votes were on a woman’s right to choose. Two of those votes were on measures to protect families from gun violence - one of which was a measure about firing guns on or near school grounds. A President can’t vote "present". A President can’t pick and choose which challenges he or she will face. My opponent’s campaign said that voting “present” was a strategy to provide political cover. Instead of looking for political cover or taking a pass, we need a President who will take a stand and stand there and do whatever is necessary for their country."
For all those who hate Sen. Clinton just because her name happens to be Clinton, I ask you to pretend, just for a moment, that you didn't know who said these statements and who that person was referring to. Would you agree with those statements or not? Thats the question that has to be answered. Quite frankly, you don't have to personally like a candidate, but if you agree with them on the key issues, then why not support them?