Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Media's Opinion Writers Finally Conclude The U.S. Economy Is Working.

 It took a report concerning consumer sentiment by the University of Michigan in November to grab the attention of opinion writers to report the U.S. economy is doing very well indeed and that consumers were upbeat about the economy.  The Michigan report indicated the largest cumulative consumer sentiment had risen 29% and consumer sentiment at its highest level since 2021 concerning the economy.

For the past 21 months (that is when the negative voices first predicted an economic recession would begin in the 2nd quarter of 2022) opinion writers ran with the negative voices of doom and gloom even though they knew there existed no data to back up such false claims to support a recession.  They simply choose to ignore the true facts on the economy that was working and had been working since President Biden took office.

President Biden was right recently when he took the media on for failing to tell the true story about the economy and how it has been working and producing good numbers all along.  The media failed big time in over looking the President's priority of raising American wages which his policies have accomplished through a growing economy and the President's steady push to raise those wages.  

PolitiDose commentary was there from the very beginning and told the true story why the economy would do well during Biden's administration.  And the story was followed up each month in commentary.  Opinion writers never bothered to study the past record of democratic administrations and therefore had no clue or desire to follow the facts.  They even failed to grasp the importance of consumer spending on the economy.  And for the President's first 3 years in office PolidiDose commentary has called the shot that took place and the consumer has had the last word with their spending.

For the past 3 years the Biden administration put forward an economic plan that has worked, kept America safe and guarded our democratic form of government.  That is an achievement that escaped the previous traitorous President.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio