It is really hard to tell in his T. V. ads against U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu who he is running against in the November elections. The great majority of his ads that this writer has seen concerns his opposition to the ACA and Mary's vote for the act. He wears a doctors coat in those ads and I often find myself wondering if he wore his doctors coat when he and his fellow republicans in the U.S. House voted to defund the act 50 plus times.
Voters know the doctor/congressmen and his party are ditto heads on the issue and also know where Mary Landrieu stands on the issue. What is silent in the ads is Cassidy's health care plan for the uninsured. He can't even tell his own base which tells this writer he could care less about them and their right to know. Of course, his party has had 13 years to develop a plan and introduce the plan to congress and have failed to do so.
Perhaps Cassidy, the doctor/congressmen knows part of the reason for the escalation in health care cost is due to increases in doctor's fees and that the ACA will bring those costs down to a reasonable level. Conservatives every one knows believe doctors, like other business should not have to abide by any regulations.
The bottom line for voters should be: When is Cassidy going to take his doctors coat off, put his congressmen's clothes on and give the voters some details on those issues that really matter and make a difference in moving the country and its people forward? He has already wasted many months of advertising. It is time for the doctor/congressmen to step up to the plate and offer alternatives instead of personal attacks.
Usually, candidates in their ads point to their own voting records. That does not happen in Cassidy's ads. He could start by reminding the people he voted to shut down the federal government not too long ago. And that really says it all.
This commentary written by John Lucia.