Little Charlie in an editorial published in the Times Picayune of July 9, titled, Obama Is In No Position To Lecture, passed up the truth in favor of a lie. Every one knows Charlie and many other conservative journalists hate President Obama and they detail that hate in their remarks. But why did little Charlie have to lie? The answer is simple. The republican party simply does not have a record that conservatives can articulate. A good example is the dismal record of the recent George W. Bush administration.
In his editorial little Charlie makes this statement: Obama has run disastrous annual deficits of around $1.5 trillion. There are two lies here. Charlies words annual deficits are plural and indicate more than one annual deficit. Lets examine the real Obama record. As of this writing the Obama administration has completed only one full fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/10. That budget came in with a deficit of $1.29 trillion. When little Charlie talks about the $1.5 trillion deficit he must be talking about George W. Bush's last fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/09 that came in with a record one year fiscal deficit of $1.42 trillion. President Obama's second full year fiscal budget does not end until 9/30/11. Little Charlie could not wait for those results so what the heck, its easier to accuse President Obama and forget about Bush's actual sad record when it comes to balancing the federal budget and running up the national debt.
It is awful hard for conservatives like little Charlie to acknowledge that the record deficit spending by Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 over the 20 years period they served is the reason the national debt is out of control. It is even harder for little Charlie to acknowledge that George W. Bush was the worst. Remember conservatives have been railing against democrats years before Obama took office but it is their own party who has put America in jeopardy with their anti-American ideology, deficit spending and debt creation.
When it comes to federal spending one would think that Charlie would inform his readers that: Total federal spending at the end of Bush's last fiscal year budget totaled $3.51 trillion. At the end of Obama's first fiscal year budget total federal spending was $3.45 trillion a decrease of 1.6%. No republican President has accomplished that in over 50 years. There can be no excuse for little Charlie not reporting the facts and truth. That is the mark of a small person who can not compete with the truth.