President Obama will serve his last full year in office in 2016 and the nation will elect a new President in November of that same year. The President kept his word when he promised not to be a lame duck President in his final two years in office. Congress invented the term in order to wound who ever is President at the time, but Obama had other ideas about taking care of the nations business.
The President's top priority in the new year will be to keep America and its people safe both at home and abroad and he has done a good job of doing just so. A continued improvement in the economy, jobs, lower unemployment, reducing the federal deficit and improving the quality of life for the people is a must do thing. We dare not go back to those failed policies of the past.
Will the republican Presidential candidates debates and their campaign of 2015 repeat its circus atmosphere in 2016 when the primaries start and will they continue to push the personal attack persona that they are noted for instead of offering solutions and taking a position on the issues. The party is stuck in the past and therefore for them the future will be like the failed past. That is not a way to move America forward.
The Presidential candidates of both parties need to tell the people in 2016 they will continue the progress that has been made since the 2008 republican economic collapse and what they will do to make that progress even stronger. Reversing the accomplishments of President Obama is not an acceptable policy for the country or its people. Successful policies need to be embraced, expanded and improved on. And the candidates need to spell out how they would pay for their policy decisions if it means higher spending.
The voters in the new year of 2016 will have to decide if they want to elect a serious candidate who outlines a serious workable plan to deal with the future needs of the country and its people. That plan will have to look like the future to avoid the mistakes of the failed past.
As of this writing the democratic Presidential candidates are the only candidates who fit the "serious" description in this writers judgement. And it is my hope that in the new year of 2016 this generation can say it learned from the mistakes of the past and created a great future for the country and its people by electing a President who has political understanding.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio