Wednesday, October 9, 2024

How Will The Louisiana Majority Vote Shake Out In The 2024 Presidential Election???

 We know that the majority vote in Louisiana for the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections went to Donald Trump.  Now, in less than a month on November 6 the round three vote for President will take place once again.  Will the majority vote in Louisiana break in favor for Trump the third time, or will it be three strikes and you are out?  Let's examine what we do know about Trump and what we learned in the past 8 years, despite all of Trump's lies, misinformation and blame.

We know as "fact" the following:  Trump is a convicted criminal, found guilty on 34 felony counts in a New York state court before a jury of Trump's peers.  His attorney's at trial had an opportunity to present Trump's case and persuade the jury, but the jury thought otherwise, followed the evidence and voted to convict.  The trial judge in the case has set Trump's sentence for a day in November after the election.  We know that Trump, before a New York judge in a New York court found him liable for sexual abuse of a woman and fined him $5 million.  That same woman later sued Trump for defamation and in a court of law was found guilty of defamation and fined over $70 million.  

We know that in 2017 Trump settled a law suit filed by students of Trump University for fraud and Trump settled out of court for $25 million.  We know that Trump had to settle another fraud law suit brought about by New York attorney general over a Trump non-profit charity where Trump used some of those proceeds for his own use.  Trump was fined $2 million and his non-profit charity had to be dissolved.  As part of the agreement, Trump had to agree on all the charges against him.  We know that Trump, in another fraud law suit against Trump's company, a New York Judge found Trump's company guilty of fraud and fined Trump over $400 million in damages.  That judgement was appealed by Trump and is now before a New York court of appeals waiting on a decision.

We know that on January 6, 2021 Trump attempted to overturn the lawful, legal and democratic Presidential election by sending his rioters to the nation's capitol in a violent attack to stop the vote count and told the Vice President, Mike Pence not to accept the electoral vote count in an effort to restrict the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected President Joe Biden.  That was a traitorous act by a sitting President.  We know that Donald Trump was the very first ever convicted criminal to be nominated for President by a major political party in the United States.  And we know that in 2016 Donald Trump asked Russia to tap into an American's email, Hillary Clinton to try and find dirt on her.  That was the act of a traitor and signaled to Russia they could tap into any American email.  We know that Trump is a serial liar, deals in misinformation and blames others for his own self corruption.  That his rhetoric is extreme, violent and toxic.

Knowing all of this about Trump, will the Louisiana majority vote go to Donald Trump on election day once again?  Or will it be three strikes and Trump is out?  A vote for Trump is a vote accepting a politician's corruption, and as a result, a vote accepting government corruption.  This writer is unaware of the position of Louisiana's media in the election at this writing.  It will be interesting to see if any of the media outlets, newspaper, radio or television come out with a position of support and who it might be.  The vote will tell a story if Louisiana really supports honest politicians and honest government.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio