It was PolitiDose who took President Trump to task for his continued talk of trying to divide America. This time concerning his comments that we can now say Merry Christmas again which was covered by commentary in PolitiDose dated 10/15/17. Since that commentary a number of articles have appeared in the news media to set the record on Trump's comment.
Father Kevin O'Brien, a Jesuit dean of theology said, Jesus would not care much if we said Merry Christmas or not. That it is more important to live it than just saying Merry Christmas. That is to live as Jesus did. Father also said Jesus would not feel harmed by the words, happy holidays because Christmas is above it all and it is how man lives, treats his fellow man and the spirt of Christmas. It is about togetherness and not division. It is about setting examples for children and accepting the teachings of Jesus. The statement destroyed the trumpet man with out mentioning his name.
Of course, Trump as President and man has demonstrated his lack of moral values and a disregard for unity and respect, just what the Christmas season is all about. Father O'Brien's comments can be read in the Huffington Post and is so timely and such an accurate description of Trump's sad world.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio