Despite the shock and surprise of this drop-out, the media has already begun speculating on whom Edwards will endorse. As I've stated in the past, I'm not sure how much endorsements matter. I know several Edwards supporters and they have already made up their mind on who they will vote for now that he's out. Some say Clinton; others Obama. They assure me that whomever Edwards endorses is no more likely to get their vote than that person was before that potential endorsement.
With that said, the Edwards vote is really split in my mind. You have those Edwards supporters who are low-income, white, mostly rural voters. Those voters are pretty much exactly how one would describe Clinton voters, minus the rural part. You also have the labor unions, which, in some states, are heavily hispanic. Those votes would also vote for Clinton, although the Kennedy endorsement might help slightly with latinos.
Then there are those liberal "change" voters, whatever the hell that means. They are Daily-Kos and Huffington Post Democrats, who support Edwards simply because of his far-left positions on some of the issues. Those are, clearly, Obama voters.
So the question should not be who Edwards will endorse, although it is more than likely to be Obama, considering all his anti-Clinton talk as of late, but who Edwards voters will break for. Right now, my estimation is a 50-50 split, which leaves this race just as dead-locked as before Edwards got out.