This writer has commented in the past how Republican administrations have no record of balancing the federal budget since Eisenhower in 1960 and no record of creating jobs to sustain the economy on their watch. Republicans like to say they are better at creating jobs but the record and facts say otherwise. Republicans also say tax cuts create jobs but Bush's two tax cuts did no such thing and he left office with the lowest job creation record since the great depression with only 1.1 millions jobs created in eight years.
Below gives the reader the job creation record of those Presidents who served from 1929 to 2008, a period of 80 years. Both Democrats and Republicans served 40 years each during that time period.
Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 Four Years Jobs Lost 6.4 million
Franklin Roosevelt 1933-1945 Twelve Years Jobs Created 16.2 million
Roosevelt-Truman 1945-1953 Eight Years Jobs Created 8.2 million
Dwight Eisenhower 1953-1961 Eight Years Jobs Created 3.5 million
Kennedy-Johnson 1961-1969 Eight Years Jobs Created 15.4 million
Nixon-Ford 1969-1977 Eight Years Jobs Created 11.2 million
Jimmy Carter 1977-1981 Four Years Jobs Created 10.3 million
Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 Eight Years Jobs Created 16.1 million
George H.W. Bush 1989-1993 Four Years Jobs Created 2.5 million
Bill Clinton 1993-2001 Eight Years Jobs Created 22.7 million
George W. Bush 2001-2008 Eight Years Jobs Created 1.1 million
The numbers reveal that Democratic administrations out performed Republican administrations by a wide margin 72.8 million jobs to the Republicans 28 million jobs. In other words job creation under Democratic administrations can be described as robust and under Republican administrations as anemic at best. (So much for tax cuts.)
It should be noted that job creation under President Clinton's eight years in office exceeded the combined total of jobs created under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 in the 20 years they served. Also noted is the fact that the Clinton and Carter administrations (12 years) created more jobs than all the above Republican administrations in the 40 years they served.
The above job creation numbers prove with out a doubt how Republicans are willing to lie over and over again to the American people and the nation. It is their M.O. and extends to almost all of their rhetoric including deficit spending and debt.
Case closed.
Job Creation information above taken from Wikipedia.