Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Edwards Out; Who Benefits?
Conservatism: The Ugly and Unamerican Ideology
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Absence of Competence
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The U.S. Economy: Which Party Performs Best? (Part I of III)
Why Michigan And Florida Need To Count
Yet Another Failed Middle East Policy
Friday, January 25, 2008
1/24 Republican Debate Analysis
McCain replied, "Actually, I don't know where you got that quote from."
Well Sen. McCain, you did say that. Here is what you said:
“I’m going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics that I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated.”
That is the exact quote Russert read and that McCain denied ever saying. Maybe he's losing his memory as he gets up in age, but McCain did, indeed, say that he is not experienced in economics. In fact, just last month, McCain had this to say, further illustrating the lack of economic experience McCain now claims he has and has always had:
"The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should." (Boston Globe)
McCain also claimed to have received a majority of the Republican vote in New Hampshire and South Carolina. This is, again, factually inaccurate. In New Hampshire, Romney won the Republican vote while Huckabee did the same in South Carolina. On a side note, it should be interesting to see if McCain can win the Florida primary since only Republican voters, not independents, can vote in it. If New Hampshire and South Carolina followed the same rules as Florida, McCain wouldn't have won.
McCain stated, in addition to the previous mis-statements, that not a single military official has said that the current troop levels in Iraq can not be sustained. Well, in fact, many, too many to list, have said that it will be impossible to maintain current troop levels in Iraq for much longer. Some of those military officials to which I refer include Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. George Casey.
Well now that I'm done picking apart McCain's apparent lies, let me move on to the analysis.
Obviously, I'm not a Republican, but I figure to at least try to analyze this crucial debate, I need to get in the mindset of conservative Republicans who make up the bulk of Florida GOP primary voters. When I do that, I can indeed see why so many in the media have pronounced Romney the winner. Joe Scarborough was the first pundit to declare Romney the winner and I agree with his analysis. He is, after all, a Florida Republican---he should know how his own people think and how they vote.
Why do I think he won? Because: Romney came off seeming knowledgeable concerning the economy, which is the top issue for Florida voters. Compare Romney's detailed answers on the economy to McCain's, "let's get some people together and work this thing out" approach and Romney was the clear winner. And the fact that the majority of the debate focused on the economy, and not foreign policy, was a huge plus to Romney and a huge minus for McCain.
Rudy, in much contrast to Romney, came off looking the worst. It's as if he has already ceded this race and just wanted to fade away quietly (which is probably a good idea). Rudy probably said some pretty wacky stuff last night, as he usually does, but to be honest, I just can't remember anything he said. His performance was forgettable, literally.
With all that being said, here are my top 3 winners of last night's GOP debate:
1st place: Mitt Romney
2nd: Mike Huckabee (although he's a crazy religious right-winger, he is charming and that goes a long way in a debate)
3rd: John McCain
New York Times Endorses Clinton
It is unfair, especially after seven years of Mr. Bush’s inept leadership, but any Democrat will face tougher questioning about his or her fitness to be commander in chief. Mrs. Clinton has more than cleared that bar, using her years in the Senate well to immerse herself in national security issues, and has won the respect of world leaders and many in the American military. She would be a strong commander in chief.
Domestically, Mrs. Clinton has tackled complex policy issues, sometimes failing. She has shown a willingness to learn and change. Her current proposals on health insurance reflect a clear shift from her first, famously disastrous foray into the issue. She has learned that powerful interests cannot simply be left out of the meetings. She understands that all Americans must be covered — but must be allowed to choose their coverage, including keeping their current plans. Mr. Obama may also be capable of tackling such issues, but we have not yet seen it. Voters have to judge candidates not just on the promise they hold, but also on the here and now...
The potential upside of a great Obama presidency is enticing, but this country faces huge problems, and will no doubt be facing more that we can’t foresee. The next president needs to start immediately on challenges that will require concrete solutions, resolve, and the ability to make government work. Mrs. Clinton is more qualified, right now, to be president.
We opposed President Bush’s decision to invade Iraq and we disagree with Mrs. Clinton’s vote for the resolution on the use of force. That’s not the issue now; it is how the war will be ended. Mrs. Clinton seems not only more aware than Mr. Obama of the consequences of withdrawal, but is already thinking through the diplomatic and military steps that will be required to contain Iraq’s chaos after American troops leave...
Mr. Obama talks more about the damage Mr. Bush has done to civil liberties, the rule of law and the balance of powers. Mrs. Clinton is equally dedicated to those issues, and more prepared for the Herculean task of figuring out exactly where, how and how often the government’s powers have been misused — and what must now be done to set things right...
We know that she is capable of both uniting and leading. We saw her going town by town through New York in 2000, including places where Clinton-bashing was a popular sport. She won over skeptical voters and then delivered on her promises and handily won re-election in 2006...
Her ideas, her comeback in New Hampshire and strong showing in Nevada, her new openness to explaining herself and not just her programs, and her abiding, powerful intellect show she is fully capable of doing just that. She is the best choice for the Democratic Party as it tries to regain the White House."
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Dems Hail McCain The GOP Frontrunner---But Who's Best To Defeat Him?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
1/21 Democratic Debate Analysis

Well If It's The Economy(...Stupid!), Then Hillary Is Your Candidate
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Obama Calls Out Bill---Who's Telling The Truth?
Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts III Endorses Sen. Clinton
Mike Huckabee: The Facts
-FACT: The SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) was formed because of its decision to separate from other Baptists in defense of the institution of slavery.(Source: McBeth, H. Leon. The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness. Nashville: Broadman, 1987.)
-FACT: It wasn't until the Southern Baptist Convention of 1995 that it voted to adopt a resolution renouncing its racist roots and apologizing for its past defense of slavery.(Source: This Side of Heaven: Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith. Edited by Robert J. Priest and Alvaro L. Nieves. Oxford University Press, 2007, pp 275 and 339)
-FACT: Huckabee accepted more than 300 gifts worth at least $130,000, ranging from $3,700 cowboy boots to a $600 chainsaw. (Source: POLITICO, Huckabee rivals unearth ethics complaints Kenneth P. Vogel Nov 21, 2007)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee''s substantial tax hikes far surpassed his modest tax cuts, with the average tax burden increasing by a whopping 47% over his tenure. (Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 10/09/07)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee opposed a congressional measure to ban internet taxes in 2003. (Source: Arkansas News Bureau, 11/21/03)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee, in 2004, allowed a 17% sales tax increase to become law. (Source: The Gurdon Times, 03/02/04)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee set up a nonprofit entity so he could give paid "inspirational'' speeches without having to disclose the donors. (SOURCE: Bloomberg Dec 12, 2007 Margaret Carlson)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee supported in-state higher education benefits for children of illegal immigrants. (Laura Kellams, "Senators research U.S. law on aliens," Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/27/05)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee says he has a degree in theology. Further investigation discovers he does not. (Source: The Carpetbagger Report, Mike Huckabee has a theology degree -- or does he?, 12/14/2007)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee wants "to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view." (Source: msnbc, HUCK, THE CONSTITUTION AND ''GOD'S STANDARDS'', 01/16/08)
Look through his "Awe Schucks" act and see him for what he really is. Mike Huckabee is a typical Washington type politician.
Afghanistan: Failing Because Of Iraq (Part 2)
Once again Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is telling the American people how we are failing in Afghanistan. The Los Angeles Times reports that Gates said he believes NATO forces currently deployed in the southern part of that country do not know how to combat a guerrilla insurgency.
While at the same time, many NATO officials blame inadequate U.S. troop numbers earlier in the war in part for a Taliban resurgence. Does that sound familiar and reminiscent of our track record in Iraq, where we used too little troops in a completely unnecessary invasion? Afghanistan was where our enemies were. We should have been fighting there instead of worrying bout Iraq. So now Gates decides to send an additional 3200 Marines to continue this 6 year old war.
Gates went to Scotland last month and met with NATO leaders to try and convince them to send more NATO troops, but said no one at the table stood up and agreed. The incompetence of this administration and Mr. Gates in trying to bully other nations is historic. The U.S. under Mr. Bush has lost all creditability in fighting this war on terror. Other nations hear that we call this the War on Terror, but they see that the U.S. practically abandoned Afghanistan, where bin-Laden and al-Qaeda were, and focused on Iraq, who was no threat to the U.S.
Iraq seems to have been pushed to the back burner because of the Presidential primaries, that's the way the people in this administration would like it to be. Get it out of the news. I truly hope the American people never forget the tragic loss of life among our men and women in uniform because of the reckless behavior of Mr. Bush and his surrogates. Never again should the people accept such incompetence and reckless behavior in our President. Our troops and our country deserve better.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
It Was Just 2 Weeks Ago...
The Bush Legacy: Afghanistan And Iraq
Clinton Racks Up Big Endorsements
Obama has been in the Senate for just three years, so the question is whether he is the most experienced Democratic candidate to immediately assume the presidency on Jan. 20, 2009. Although Obama is likable, so was the inexperienced George W. Bush before he became president -- and we know where that got us.
Additionally, is Obama the best Democratic candidate to run against whomever the Republicans nominate this year? Although the Republican field has failed so far to dazzle its party’s faithful -- let alone independents or Democrats -- rest assured that if the past is any guide the GOP nominee will do just about anything to keep the White House.
The Democratic nominee will need to be the kind of individual who has been through grueling campaigns and has the mettle not only to stand up to the Republican nominee’s hardball tactics but also to deliver a message of positive change that will take this country forward again.
Clinton has a long and substantial record of leadership fighting on behalf of working Americans and children, and it is this experience and her passion for creating a better country that would serve this nation so well.
Our country needs someone who can be president from Day One after taking the oath of office. Her steadiness and resolve certainly would aid us in reestablishing better relations with other nations after Bush’s go-it-alone foreign policy, not to mention a thoughtful and responsible policy regarding our combat troops in Iraq.
On domestic issues, such as the economy and health care, Clinton clearly has the best command of the issues, as was witnessed in Tuesday’s debate in Las Vegas. For example, in contrast to Obama’s health care plan, Clinton’s would truly offer universal health care coverage. She also has an economic stimulus plan, including tax rebates for working- and middle-class families, that could help jump-start our sluggish economy, which is in danger of heading into a recession. We need someone in the White House who can get our economy back to the way it was when Hillary’s husband, Bill, was president."
The Kansas City Star, the largest newspaper in the largest city in the very important Super Tuesday state of Missouri, also endorsed Sen. Clinton:
"Sen. Clinton would be the top choice for the Democratic nomination. She is a woman of obvious intelligence with a strong commitment to reform on health care, taxes, energy, immigration, education and global warming.
And Clinton gives voters a clear picture of what she has in mind. On health care, for instance, she offers a comprehensive program that would allow people to keep their current insurance coverage or choose from among the health plans available to members of Congress.
Despite her strong differences with Republicans, she has shown the ability to work with some of them in Congress. And from years of experience in Washington, she speaks thoughtfully about what the federal government can and can’t do.
Clinton has used her years in the Senate to develop considerable expertise in defense issues, serving on the Armed Services Committee.
She has properly criticized mistakes that have been made in Iraq and offered constructive suggestions to improve our military forces. Clinton also realizes that President Bush’s open-ended military commitment to Baghdad is a mistake.
As first lady and then a senator, Clinton developed a thorough knowledge of the world and many national or regional leaders.
She understands the need for more effective American diplomacy to deal with problems ranging from terrorism to global warming.
Some critics have focused on the mistakes of her husband’s administration. But if Sen. Clinton is to be held responsible for some of those mistakes — which is appropriate — she must also get credit for some of its successes. And there were, in fact, many successes."